Wildwood is Now Open Wednday to Monday! See Contract Tab for more info!

Chestnut Hill Shop Update

Update on our Chestnut Hill Location!

We unfortunately are unable to come to an agreement with the landlord on our lease renewal.  The landlord is unwilling to negotiate his new lease terms.  Last year, he doubled our annual increase and even though we felt the increase was very unreasonable, we signed it because we love our Chestnut Hill community and customers.  Fast forward, the landlord now wants to quadruple our annual increase and is unwilling to negotiate.  We already pay a premium rent amount for our 160 square foot stand in Chestnut Hill so these jumps in rent are just no longer bearable, so we have no other choice but to find another location.

This is not an easy announcement to make, and we make it with a heavy heart.  It has always been our plan to keep our flagship shop in the Market at the Fareway.  It is where it all began, our customers have become our friends, and although that shop was tiny, it was mighty, and we would have kept on going and going! 

We will share with you the best piece of business advice that we ever received.  This advice was given to us by a shopping center developer back in early 2020 while we were looking for another potential location.  He said, if you can own the property of your business, then own it over renting as the landlord has too much control.  This advice always stuck with us because it was such an out-of-pocket thing for him to say to us since we were literally meeting with him to check out a new rental space …. but boy, was he right!  

Big thank you to the Chestnut Hill community and to all our customers who travelled from literally all over. Your loyalty and support over all these years means the world to us and this is not a goodbye, this is a we will see you soon!

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you can be informed with updates on our new location and Barry’s future pop ups!  In the meantime, come see us at the Jersey Shore in Wildwood!

Our last day open in Chestnut Hill will be Saturday, June 1, 2024. 

Stay tuned!


Joel “Barry” & Jen